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がん@魅せ技 misewazaLearn the techniques and thoughts of experts

Recommended viewing environment

We recommend that you view”がん@魅せ技”in the following environment. We also recommend that you use the latest version of your OS and browser for a safer and more comfortable experience.

Browser viewing on PC

  1. Latest version of Microsoft Edge

  2. Latest version of Google Chrome

  3. Latest version of Safari

Browser viewing on smartphones and tablets

  1. Google Chrome latest version

  2. Safari latest version

If the video doesn't play

  1. If you are unable to play in the recommended environment, there may be multiple causes. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please check the following.

    1. 【1】Stop applications other than the browser and close other windows and tabs

    2. When multiple applications are running and many windows and tabs are open, it may put a load on the memory and CPU, which may affect playback.

    3. 【2】Delete browser cache

    4. The data required for playback may be incompletely stored in the cache (temporary files) stored in the browser, causing problems with video playback. Please delete your browser's cache (temporary files). Please see the help of your browser for instructions on how to delete it.

    5. 【3】Disable browser plug-ins and extensions

    6. If you have extensions installed on your browser, you may experience problems with video playback. (Example: Extensions that forcefully hide ads, etc.) Please disable all plugins and extensions and restart your browser.

    7. 【4】Check the communication speed

    8. For stable video viewing, a connection speed of at least 500kbps is required. For comfortable viewing, we recommend an environment of 3Mbps or higher.

    9. 【5】Check security settings

    10. Depending on the settings of your security software, network equipment, and provider you are using, video distribution from certain sites may be restricted in order to limit high-load video playback. For details on settings, please check the manual of the software or provider you are using.

    11. 【6】Install another browser

    12. There may be problems depending on the browser version and settings. Please also try using other browsers.

    13. Latest version of Microsoft Edge

    14. Latest version of Google Chrome

    15. Latest version of Safari

  2. If the game does not play even after trying the above, please contact the がん@魅せ技 Management Bureau.